
大峡谷州立大学's Doctor of 物理治疗 degree is offered through the 卫生职业学院. Physical therapists are valued for their ability to independently evaluate, 诊断, treat 和 prevent disorders of human movement in a wide variety of clinical 和 community settings. 我们的项目有15名全职教师, 其中12人持有高级临床执业证书. Our program is well situated along the Medical Mile in 大急流城 和 enjoys an outst和ing reputation among its students 和 in the community.

The Doctor of 物理治疗 Program at 大峡谷州立大学 is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in 物理治疗 Education (CAPTE), 波托马克大街3030号., Suite 100, Alex和ria, Virginia 22305-3085; telephone: 703-706-3245; email: (电子邮件保护); website: http://www.capteonline.org.  If needing to contact the program/institution directly, please call 616-331-5700 or email (电子邮件保护).

大峡谷州立大学’s physical therapy program received it’s initial accreditation in May of 1985. 最近的一次认证访问是在2014年11月11日. GVSU的认证截止到2034年4月30日. 我们的下一次认证访问将在2033年. The degree conferred by the GVSU Department of 物理治疗 is the Doctor of 物理治疗 (DPT).


学术咨询/ chp项目博天堂官方:
卫生防护中心学生服务办公室@ (电子邮件保护)



GVSU物理治疗要求 all prerequisite courses to be completed with LETTER (A, B, C) or NUMERICAL (4.0, 3.0, 2.0)成绩. Prerequisite courses completed with Pass/Fail or Credit/No credit will not fulfill the program’s admissions requirements. 该计划不接受AP学分(高级学分)作为例外.

U.S. 2024年就业增长

来源: EMSI 2020


根据2020年EMSI数据, opportunities for physical therapists are expected to grow 12% in West 密歇根, 密歇根州占11%, 在美国,这一比例为13%.S., which is above average growth when compared to many other occupations. EMSI reported a median annual wage of $85,758 in West 密歇根 和 $87,609 in the U.S. 有博士学位的物理治疗师. GVSU graduates of the physical therapy program could hold the following job titles:

  • 物理治疗师
  • 康复署署长
  • 儿科居民
  • 旅行理疗师
  • 临床董事
  • 治疗监事

来源: EMSI 2020


The Doctor of 物理治疗 at GVSU will develop the skills you need to l和 the job you want. 技能是高级的还是一般的, you will build a resume of qualifications that are sure to attract employers. The following skills correlate with those pulled from actual job postings in the health sciences field.


  • 物理治疗
  • 康复
  • 家庭护理
  • 治疗计划
  • 神经学
  • 病例管理
  • 急症护理


  • 演讲
  • 通信
  • 领导
  • 协调
  • 研究
  • 客户服务
  • 操作
  • 基础设施
  • 管理

来源: EMSI 2020


  • 经验. The integrated curriculum allows students to use the skills that they learn in the classroom in a variety of clinical experiences.
  • 个性化的. Advanced topic electives offered in the last semester of the program allow for students to focus their courses on their interests.
  • 有竞争力的. The 物理治疗 program at GVSU has received national recognition by the US News 和 World Report.
  • 认证 见下文.


When you became a Laker, you opened up a lifetime of learning, 和 now alumni like you can use your 湖人终身学习(L3) 考虑那些提供更多知识和新技能的课程. 您的帐户正在等待您用于GVSU未来的课程. 你所要做的就是点击下面的按钮来了解更多.

Also, the 2022 GVPT Distinguished Alumni recipient is 水晶Gluch, PT, DPT, CCS

Dr. 水晶Gluch, PT, DPT, Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Cardiovascular 和 Pulmonary 物理治疗, is a 2016 graduate of GVSU’s Doctor of 物理治疗 (DPT) program.  Dr. Gluch also earned her Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from GVSU in 2009. 从DPT项目毕业后, she focused on the patient population she was drawn towards in school 和 accepted a PT position at University of 密歇根 – 密歇根 Medicine. 在密歇根医学院工作了近两年, providing care in the acute 和 critical care setting to patients with various cardiopulmonary 诊断s, Dr. Gluch transitioned to a post-graduate residency program at the Veterans Affairs (VA) Healthcare System in Ann Arbor, 密歇根. 

在她的心血管和肺部PT住院期间,Dr. Gluch progressed her practice with specialized training 和 mentoring, she provided advanced clinical care in the medically complex veteran population across acute care, 康复中心, 门诊设置, 完成一项独立研究, 并在一次全国会议上展示了患者案例研究. 在同一年,Dr. Gluch was elected to the American 物理治疗 Association’s (APTA) – 密歇根 Chapter Board of Directors for Communication, 和 lead a consumer marketing campaign 和 facilitated multiple initiatives including APTA 密歇根’s blog, 播客, 社交媒体的存在. Dr. Gluch was nationally recognized for her work as a resident by receiving the 2021 APTA Outst和ing Resident Award.

实习结束后,. Gluch stayed at the Ann Arbor VA 和 is currently a Cardiopulmonary PT Clinical Specialist that provides patient care across settings, 积极从事研究, serves as the PT Coordinator for a multi-disciplinary outpatient facility 和 home-based Cardiac 康复 Program, 和 is a faculty member 和 mentor in their Cardiopulmonary PT Residency Program. 

2022年,博士. Gluch被授予APTA密歇根分会的新兴领袖.  This award honored her years of service to her professional association beginning as a student. 作为一名新入职的专业人士. Gluch, 担任APTA密歇根学生参与联络员, 成员委员会和会议委员会, 在会议上组织当地的服务活动, 和 has now finished 4 years as 通信 Director 和 is currently serving her 6th 年担任APTA众议院代表.

Dr. Gluch is also proud to be clinical adjunct faculty for the cardiopulmonary course at GVSU’s DPT Program. She is passionate about teaching 和 has a special interest in heart failure 和 COVID-19.  Early in the p和emic she served as a leader in the Intensive Care Unit 和 treated many of her patients through the continuum of care.  此后,她就covid -19后的护理进行了多次演讲, as well as presentations on heart failure at the state 和 national levels.



Gr和 Valley 物理治疗 Distinguished PT Alumni Award winner 2023


The 物理治疗 Department at 大峡谷州立大学 has partnered with 玛丽自由床康复医院 为学生提供实习的机会 神经生理 治疗小儿物理治疗 骨科物理治疗.

