

的 following resources may be particularly useful for any instructors moving their instruction online:

  • Public Statement of Library 版权 Specialists: 合理使用 & 应急远程教学 & 研究 - Google Doc developed by leading copyright experts at U.S. 大专院校, addressing fair use during the COVID-19 public health crisis. 摘自声明(强调添加): 
    • 很明显, making materials available and accessible to students in this time of crisis will almost always be a fair use. As long as we are being thoughtful in our analysis and limiting our activities to the specific needs of our patrons during this time of crisis, 版权法支持我们的使用. 的 fair use doctrine accommo日期s the flexibility required by our shared public health crisis, enabling society to function and progress while protecting human life and safety. 

    • 本声明没有官方法律依据, but represents the considered analysis of 37 lawyers and librarians experienced in copyright and fair use for higher education.

  • 在线课程版权概述 - downloadable Word document 原始ly developed by a copyright librarian and lawyer at the University of Minnesota, 南希·西姆斯. Lightly adapted with links and details specific to GVSU. Used under a 知识共享署名-非商业许可.
  • 版权资源 & 应急远程教学与研究 - Google Doc with a growing collection of links and resources assembled by leading copyright experts at U.S. 大专院校.


A copyright owner has the rights to do the following things, under U.S. 著作权法:

  • 制作作品的副本
  • Distribute copies of the work (by selling, renting, lending, or giving it away)
  • 公开执行或显示工作
  • Make derivative works, like translations, adaptations, and reinterpretations

A copyright owner can give away some or all of those rights to other people or entities, 通过转让所有权或授予许可证. Ownership or license rights can be shared by any number of people or entities.  

(17 U.S.C. § 106)


的 copyright rights outlined above only apply to works that fit into one of these eight categories: 17 U.S.C. § 102(a)

  • 文学作品
  • 音乐作品,包括伴奏词
  • 戏剧作品,包括伴奏音乐
  • 哑剧和编舞作品
  • 图画、图画和雕塑作品
  • 电影及其他视听作品
  • 录音
  • 建筑作品

Works that fit into one of the categories above must also be “fixed in a tangible medium of expression”—that is, saved in some form—in order to qualify for copyright protection. Almost anything counts as “fixed”—a drawing on a chalkboard or whiteboard, 或者保存在电脑内存中的文件也符合条件. However, unfixed works such as improvisational speeches or music aren’t protected by copyright.

一件作品还必须包括 原始 创造性表达才有资格获得保护. 的 amount of 原始ity required is relatively low, but just “sweat of the brow” is not enough. 例如, writing out an alphabetical list of all Nobel Prize winners may take work, 但它并没有真正包含任何原创的表达. 相比之下, 如果你在列表中添加注解和注释, you could own a copyright in the annotations and commentary.


版权不适用于: 17 U.S.C. § 102(b)

  • 程序、过程、系统、操作方法. 的se may qualify for protection and ownership under patent law, 专利和版权通常不会重叠.
  • 思想、概念、原则或发现. Broadly speaking, these are not ownable under any form of U.S. 知识产权法. 
  • 标题, 的名字, short phrases and slogans; familiar symbols or designs, 排版装饰的变化, 刻字, 成分表:仅仅是成分或内容的列表 (32 CFR§202.1) 的se are considered to fail the requirement of 原始ity.
  • 其他非原创或未固定的作品

更多博天堂官方网页版权不能做什么的信息,请参见《博天堂官方网页》.S. 版权办公室:


Creators today don’t have to do anything to get copyright in the content they create.  Any work that qualifies is automatically protected by copyright from the moment it is first "fixed in a tangible medium of expression" - recorded in some physical or digital format.  Publication is not a requirement for copyright protection, 甚至正式注册也完全是可选的. 的re is also no requirement to include a copyright notice, 日期, “圈c”©符号, or any other information on the work in order to own a copyright.

版权可以注册 U.S. 版权办公室 by any legal owner, at any time during the term of copyright protection. 注册费是象征性的, and a copy of the work must be deposited with the 版权办公室.   Registration is most useful for commercial works and for copyright owners who are likely to pursue legal action against infringement.  更多信息可在 版权局常见问题解答.


对于今天创作的作品, copyright protection starts automatically as soon as a work is created, 并在创作者死后持续70年.

Because copyright terms have been changed several times, 老作品的期限差别很大, 基于很多因素. 

博天堂官方网页U的更多信息.S. 著作权法

  • 美国第17章.S. Code
  • 法律概述 from Cornell University Law School’s 法律 Information Institute
  • 美国版权局 has more detailed information about specific laws and regulations, 允许您搜索版权记录, 查看相关刊物, 并随时了解版权法的最新变化.
  • 版权速成班 来自美国niversity of Texas Libraries is an excellent introduction to many facets of copyright in higher education.
  • 这 音乐版权视频教程播放列表 来自威廉号 & 玛丽音乐图书馆提供短, straightforward explanations of copyright in musical works, which is often more complex than copyright for textual content.


DMCA更新了美国版权法第17条.S. Code to address copyrighted works available in digital formats. 这 law strengthened the ability of copyright holders to control and restrict access to their work in digital formats, and expanded the ability of libraries to make copies of print resources available for interlibrary loan and for preservation purposes.

  • 法律概述 来自美国.S. 版权署- PDF
  • 美国图书馆协会DMCA概述

改编和使用于 知识共享署名-非商业许可 来自明尼苏达大学图书馆.  Any 原始 content produced by the 大峡谷州立大学 Libraries is released under an identical 知识共享署名-非商业许可.

本网站提供有关版权法的信息. 的 University Libraries make every effort to assure the accuracy of this information but do not offer it as counsel or legal advice. Consult an attorney for advice concerning your specific situation.
