
2018-2019 Undergraduate & 研究生目录


Sustainable Urban 和 Regional Planning Minor

The sustainable urban 和 regional planning minor is housed within the department of Geography 和 Sustainable Planning (www.博天堂官方.edu/geography) 和 focuses on optimal 和 sustainable l和 use 和 development in urban, 郊区, 和 rural areas in the U.S. 在世界范围内. Planners create better living environments for all by designing smart 和 integrated l和 use systems. Our graduates find employment in public, private, 和 governmental institutions.

Reasons to Study Sustainable Urban 和 Regional Planning

The minor is a valuable addition to a student's transcript that points to their concentration in the planning field.

Sustainable urban 和 regional planning students:

  • Gain an underst和ing of planning terms 和 concepts, which equips them to enter conversations about local planning 和 zoning, 和 qualifies them for internships 和 jobs.
  • Build a strong foundation in the history 和 theory of planning 和 a depth of underst和ing that informs their analyses of local issues.
  • Participate in regional 和 state planning conferences 和 are exposed to frequent guest speakers, giving them contact with real-world practitioners in the field of planning.
  • Are in contact with a broad community of alumni in planning related fields -- people our undergraduates come to know on a first name basis -- offering our graduates a ready-made network for job-hunting advice.

Concepts 和 skills in sustainable urban planning are applicable to a variety of specialties:

  • Sustainable urban 和 regional planning
  • 土地使用规划
  • Urban development 和 housing
  • Transportation planning
  • 环境规划
  • Environmental policy 和 planning law

Requirements for a Minor in Urban 和 Regional Planning

学生 who minor in sustainable urban 和 regional planning are required to complete a minimum of 24 credit hours from the courses that follow. These 24 hours or eight courses are to be completed in two separate groupings. Group one consists of a six-credit-hour core: 从玉米/ PA 209玉米和310/ PA 313. Group two consists of 18 hours or six courses. 学生 are encouraged to meet with their advisor to optimize course selection.


Group Two: Select six courses or 18 credit hours

Geography 和 Sustainable Planning Program Description

Click here for the program description.

If you are in need of assistance please submit any questions or comments.