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2018-2019 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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The Graduate School


Dean: Potteiger
Associate Dean: Luttenton



To define, support, 并推动卓越的研究生教育以及与之相关的学术和研究活动. 在影响学生的行动和政策中阐明卓越的愿景, faculty, and curriculum. To advocate for graduate education and graduate students, faculty, and staff within the university in terms of resources, services, and other activities that support graduate student endeavors and goals; and encourage a diverse, inclusive, and connected graduate community.

Graduate Degree Programs Offered at Grand Valley



The Graduate Schoolis located in the Richard M. DeVos Center on the Robert C. Pew Grand Rapids Campus. 皮尤大急流城校区是大多数大峡谷州立大学研究生学位课程的基地. 许多研究生课程和课程都是在大急流城提供的,所以对于在大急流城大都市区生活或工作的成人学习者来说,它们更容易接近. Additionally, 许多研究生课程在整个北部的偏远社区开设课程, Central, and Southern Michigan.

研究生院院长代表所有研究生工作,以确保大峡谷的研究生课程是最高质量的, 教授研究生课程的教师完全有资格在研究生阶段授课, 大学的政策和程序恰当地适用于研究生. 研究生院院长和工作人员与教务长办公室密切合作, the Graduate Council, the Office of Admissions, academic deans, department chairs, graduate program directors, the Center for Adult and Continuing Studies, the Office of the Registrar, the Division of Inclusion and Equity, the Student Services Division, 以及经济援助办公室,代表研究生进行宣传,并为大峡谷大学的研究生教育提供领导和远见.

目前在读的研究生或那些有兴趣在博天堂官方研究生学习欢迎访问研究生院在理查德M. DeVos Center for assistance, advice, or to provide feedback on any aspect of their graduate education. The phone number is (616) 331-7105. 博天堂官方网页大峡谷大学研究生入学程序的一般问题, 学生应联系研究生博天堂官方副主任,电话:(616)331-2025. For questions about a specific graduate degree program, contact the graduate program director for that program. 研究生项目主任的联系信息可以在 The Graduate School website.


Graduate Dean's Citations for Academic Excellence: 研究生院院长为学术成就突出的研究生颁发奖项. Nominations for the awards are submitted to The Graduate School by the graduate program director in the student's area of study. 该奖项每年在研究生庆典上颁发两次, 在秋季学期结束时举行,适用于上一个春季/夏季和秋季学期毕业的学生, 以及4月份冬季学期结束时毕业的学生. 获奖者将获得证书和荣誉勋章,可以在毕业典礼上佩戴. 研究生院长的学术卓越奖包括以下类别的大学范围内的卓越认可:

  • Academic Excellence in a Degree Program Award
  • Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award
  • Outstanding Master's Thesis Award
  • Outstanding Final Project Award
  • Outstanding Publication Award
  • Award for Excellence Service to the Community or Profession
  • Award for Excellence in Leadership and Service to GVSU
  • Award for Excellence in Promoting Inclusion and Diversity at GVSU
  • Award for Excellence in Sustainability

Graduate Assistantships

The Graduate School 负责大学研究生助学金(GA)计划和政策的全面管理. Assistantships provide graduate students with part-time, 在他们的研究领域的带薪工作经验,并允许他们扩展和应用他们在课堂上学到的知识和技能,在工作环境. Graduate assistants typically work either 10 or 20 hours per week, depending on the terms of their appointment. Under the GA program, faculty and university staff members benefit as well, in that they receive assistance with research activities, special projects, 以及需要研究生具备的高级技能的作业. Students receive tuition support as well as a stipend, 这可能会帮助他们降低读研究生的总体成本.

对研究生助教奖学金感兴趣的学生应该首先与他们的学术顾问或研究生项目主任讨论他们的兴趣, as students often find assistantships within their programs. 其他学术和非学术单位也可能有职位空缺. 而研究生院管理政策,并对学生是否有资格获得助教任命做出最终决定, 招聘广告和甄选过程由招聘单位执行. 博天堂官方网页研究生助学金的更多信息可以在目录的成本和财政援助和研究生信息部分或在研究生院的网站上找到.

Graduate Council

研究生院为研究生委员会提供行政支持, which is part of university faculty governance. 研究生委员会负责监督与研究生教育有关的大学政策, graduate program review, and the review and approval of the graduate curriculum. 研究生委员会的投票成员由各学院和大学图书馆选出的教员代表组成, 还有两名研究生,由研究生协会选举产生.

Graduate Student Association

The Graduate School actively supports the Graduate Student Association (GSA)是格兰德山谷大学的研究生组织. This includes cohosting many professional development events, promoting social events, and providing guidance for the GSA. GSA任命两名研究生担任研究生委员会的投票成员, 提供研究生课程审查和制定研究生水平学术政策的大学管理机构. GSA还任命研究生代表在以下大学常设委员会任职:学术标准和政策委员会, Campus Life Committee, Equity and Inclusion Committee, Faculty Salary and Budget Committee, Faculty Teaching and Learning Center Advisory Committee, Faculty Facilities and Planning Advisory Committee, Online Education Council, University Assessment Committee, University Academic Senate, and University Library Advisory Committee. Each year, GSA在三个类别中奖励杰出的教师:包容性, mentorship, and teaching. 研究生院和GSA之间的合作为所有研究生提供了在课堂之外取得成功的机会.

If you are in need of assistance please submit any questions or comments.