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2018-2019 Undergraduate & Graduate Catalog

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Criminal Justice - Program Description

For additional information about opportunities, 请参阅本目录中的社区与公共服务学院部分.


刑事司法学院提供理学学士或文学学士学位和刑事司法硕士学位. 学生参加各种必修和选修课程,以培养他们作为批判性思考者,并为他们提供该领域的全面知识. 该学院还为想成为律师助理的学生提供法律研究本科专业. For information about the paralegal program, 请查阅大峡谷州立大学本科和研究生目录中的法律研究部分. 夏季课程将每年确定一次. Please check the schedule of courses.


刑事司法学院教育学生成为知识渊博的人, competent, 以及刑事司法和法律专业的道德领袖.


To promote the growth of students through teaching, mentoring, creative scholarship, and community engagement.


刑事司法学院的教职员工将进行示范, model, 促进对多样性的尊重和对诚信的承诺, intellectual and moral virtues, and lifelong learning through effective teaching, active scholarship, and service.


大山谷州立大学刑事司法学院在夏季开设了一所密歇根执法标准委员会(MCOLES)批准的警察学院. 该项目使学生有资格获得密歇根州的执法许可. 这个项目的课程也可以用于毕业. 符合MCOLES最低资格要求的非大峡谷学生可以申请. 大峡谷警察学院以其卓越的声誉而闻名. Entry is extremely competitive and is not guaranteed. 那些希望申请的人将被要求通过MCOLES注册前的阅读和写作以及身体健康测试,并达到最低的州就业标准,作为申请过程的一部分. 大峡谷州立大学的学生可以在大四期间申请该学院. 非大峡谷学生必须在学院开始日期之前至少拥有副学士学位. Application packets will be available on our website ( during the yearly application process. MCOLES requirements can be found at under the Licensure and Professional Development section.

大峡谷州立大学提供两个独特的警察学院项目:一个是为期16周的基础警察学院,另一个是专门为退伍军人设计的为期8周的军事警察基础训练项目(MPBTP). 两个学院的课程都在春季和夏季学期进行. Upon completion of either program, 参与者将具备成为密歇根州持牌执法人员所需的所有资格. 选择参加16周基础警察学院的学生必须修习以下课程(15学分): CJ 415, CJ 416, CJ 417, CJ 418, and CJ 419. 选择参加8周MPBTP的学生必须注册以下课程(6学分): CJ 415 and CJ 416.

有资格参加MPBTP要求候选人必须担任军事警察(在美国军队的任何分支)至少2年,080 hours in a specified law enforcement MOS; have satisfactorily completed military police training at a federal service school; possess an honorable discharge or be currently serving; and not be separated from employment in a specified law enforcement MOS for more than five years.


刑事司法学院允许选定的学生在指定的工作场所完成实习. 高年级本科生可以选择一到九个小时的课程 CJ 490 如果他们得到实习协调员和工作现场主管的批准,除非特定组织另有规定. Students taking three credits of CJ 490,通常每周需要在实习现场工作15个小时. Credit hours are based on site requirements. 我们强烈鼓励没有刑事司法或私人保安工作经验的研究生完成一份 CJ 640 实习(见刑事司法硕士学位要求). No more than six credit hours may be applied to the undergraduate major; no more than three credit hours may be applied to the graduate internship. 申请实习,请联系实习协调员.

Honors Organizations

Alpha Phi Sigma是全国公认的刑事司法科学学生荣誉社团. 该学会认可刑事司法专业本科生和研究生的学术成就. Members participate in many activities, including community service, career workshops, and fundraisers.

The following programs are available:


Criminal Justice Minor

Master of Science in Criminal Justice

Juvenile Justice Minor

Information Security Systems Minor

If you are in need of assistance please submit any questions or comments.