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Please select from the forms below. In the event that you select the wrong form, we will make sure that the information is sent to the correct office.

Use this form to report behaviors where someone feels belittled, disrespected, or isolated based on their identity, where the behaviors do not rise to the level of harassment. 这里的报告允许GVSU以一种非惩罚性的方式为受影响的政党提供支持,并向校园社区提供教育,以肯定言论自由.
请使用此表格报告基于任何受保护身份(不包括性别或性别(种族))的歧视或骚扰, color, national origin, age, disability, familial status, height, weight, marital status, political affiliation, veteran status, military status, genetic information, or any other legally protected characteristic)
CARE转介表旨在报告对教师或工作人员的关注. 该报告在正常工作时间内发送给人力资源战略业务合作伙伴总监,下班后不进行监控, on weekends, or during official university holidays.

提交的表格由人力资源业务合作伙伴团队的指定成员Deb Sanders负责审核和推荐, Chris Grooms, and Kristen Evans.

如果您对GVSU学生或员工的健康或安全有直接的担忧, please call 9-1-1.

这张表格是给那些认为自己因为举报而遭到报复的员工使用的, in good faith, of a violation of laws, regulations or University policies, or for those who have served as a witness, assisted or participated in an investigation proceeding or hearing, as well as those who requested accommodations, assistance or leave of absence and believe they are being retaliated again.
This policy applies to all employees of Grand Valley State University.
Retaliation includes, but is not limited to punishment, victimization, intimidation, 就雇佣条款和条件对雇员采取的不利行动, such as termination,
遭受报复的员工应咨询不报复政策以及其他相关的大学政策和程序. 大学鼓励尽可能非正式地解决分歧,但认识到这样做并不总是可能或适当的. 员工有责任并被鼓励尝试直接与其他同事解决问题,或者在参与正式流程之前与该同事的主管交谈.
This form is for a non-tenure track faculty member to file a complaint.
A complaint includes, but is not limited to, any issue that pertains to scheduling, location, remuneration, disciplinary action, termination, or academic freedom as defined in Section 4.3.4A.
This form is for a faculty member to file a complaint.

投诉被定义为不适合作为第4节中所定义的申诉的主题的问题.2.16 or a matter covered by Section 2.13.4. 投诉包括但不限于时间安排、地点和薪酬.
BOT 4.2.16

A grievance is defined as any issue that pertains to
freedom. If the issue involves the denial of promotion, contract renewal and/or tenure,
this is defined as an appeal and the process outlined in Section shall be
followed. All other issues are defined as complaints and will follow the procedure
outlined in Section 4.2.18.
此表格用于支持不当性行为,包括性骚扰或基于性别的骚扰, sexual assault, stalking, intimate partner violence, sexual exploitation or retaliation. 无论是向我们的办公室报告,还是与我们的团队成员讨论,都不要求采取行动. The choice to file a formal complaint with GVSU is yours to make.
Standards of Conduct Policy for Employees Policy Statement SLT 3.3

As members of an academic community, 教职员工有责任遵守有关学术自由的道德原则, intellectual integrity, and the fair and respectful treatment of others. 本员工行为标准政策所包含的标准反映了这些原则.

当一个人在工作环境中因为没有遵守这些标准而对同事产生负面影响时,就违反了这一政策. When an individual’s behaviors are out of sync with these standards, 学校可以通过其他解决方案和/或其他适当的纪律措施来解决和纠正这种行为,包括终止雇佣关系.
本政策的任何部分都不打算取代其他大学政策或联邦政策, state, or local laws and regulations. 违反本政策的行为可能与违反其他适用的政策或法律的行为同时处理.

Fundamental Ideas for Standards of Conduct.
Knowledge: Members of the University community value truth, the pursuit of truth, intellectual curiosity, and academic freedom. 我们的教职员工寻求创造新的知识,并致力于分享思想, 研究成果和产品的智力和创造性的追求与更广泛的社会.

诚信:大学社区的成员以尊严和尊重对待每个人,并为自己的错误负责. 我们将对自己和他人负责作为所有员工的核心竞争力. This includes following through on words with actions.

尊重:大学社会成员力求通过公开和诚实的沟通,培养文明和合作的精神. 大学尊重和尊重个性,并对所有个人的个人信仰和文化差异表现出宽容. We strive to protect the health, safety, and well-being of all persons. We protect private and confidential information that is related to our faculty, staff, students, and others. We value an environment that is free from incivility, disrespect, harassment, intimidation, bullying, and violence.

专业精神:大学成员期望大学遵循适用于学术和其他专业的专业标准和要求. 我们对我们的行为负责,并期望我们做出合理的努力来遵守所有适用的联邦法律, state, and local government laws and regulations. As individuals and as an institution, 我们也努力遵循合乎道德的商业惯例,妥善管理提供给我们的资源.

这一政策要求在我们的社区内分享的信息的准确性和完整性的真诚承诺, particularly when it forms the basis of formal inquiries or actions. 维持这些标准对于这一政策和程序的完整性以及确保一个有凝聚力和富有成效的学术和工作环境至关重要.