Banner Registration

Accessing Self-Service Registration

Log into myBanner 使用GVSU主页上的中央登录服务链接,并提供您的网络ID和密码.

  1. Select the student tab,
  2. then Registration,
  3. then Student Registration Self Service.


Registration Home Page Menu

Prepare for Registration -在本节中,您可以查看您的注册状态以及您记录中的任何注册记录.

Plan Ahead —在本节中,您可以创建并保存未来学期的注册计划.  将提供专门用于使用此功能的单独培训材料.

View Registration Information —在本节中,您可以查看过去的时间表和当前的注册信息.

Register for Classes – In this section, you can search for, add, and drop classes.

Browse Classes – In this section, 你可以浏览所选学期的所有课程列表.  You cannot add classes to your schedule from this section.

Browse Course Catalog – In this section, you can search and view the entire course inventory for the term, 虽然不是目录中的所有课程都会提供该学期的章节. You cannot add classes to your schedule from this section.

Register for Classes

In this section, you can search for, add, and drop classes.


This will bring you to the Register for Classes home page. There are 3 panels on the Register for Classes home page.

  1. Find Classes
  2. Class Schedule and Schedule Details
  3. Summary


Registration Panel

There are 5 tabs available in this panel. 该面板将提供学生注册课程所需的所有资源的访问. Students can search by subject, course number, title, and CRNs. Students can also load plans, request overrides, and email themselves a file with their schedule using this panel.

Find Classes Tab

默认搜索允许您按主题、课程编号和标题进行搜索.  To enter a subject, 在框中单击以填充下拉列表或开始在框中键入主题名称. You can search for more than one subject at a time. 高级搜索允许您包括其他搜索条件,如讲师, campus, meeting days, etc.


After your search results display, you will be able to see the course CRN, Instructor, Meeting Times, Campus, Status (number of seats available), and any Attributes assigned to the course. Click Search Again to return to the main search page. From the list of results, 点击课程标题可以查看课程的详细信息,包括课程描述, textbook information, restrictions, prerequisites, etc.

Linked Courses


  1. Click the View Linked button to display all linked sections.
  2. 如果同时有实验和讨论,结果将分组显示.   您可以通过单击add All按钮将讨论和实验作为组添加到日程安排中.
  3. 实验和讨论部分可以在多个分组中列出.
  4. 您可以滚动到结果列表的末尾,并单击栏以加载更多选项.
  5. If you try to add a lecture without the linked lab or discussion, you will receive the error message “Errors Preventing Registration”. Summary面板中的状态将显示Errors Preventing Registration, Action字段将显示Remove. 您需要单击Submit以从Summary面板中删除课程. 你需要同时注册讲座、实验和讨论.

Enter CRNs Tab

如果您知道您的课程的CRN,请在提供的空格中输入,然后单击Add to Summary. This feature can be helpful when registering for linked courses. Additionally, 如果你已经获得了封闭课程覆盖,你需要直接进入CRN注册课程.


如果某个部分关闭,学生可以将自己添加到等待名单中. 学生将收到一封电子邮件到他们的GVSU电子邮件帐户,通知他们,当他们是下一个排队等候名单上的座位已经开放. 收到通知后,学生登录他们的myBanner帐户并注册该部分. Please visit our waitlist webpage for more information. 

Plans Tab

如果您之前已经为给定的期限设置了计划,请使用此选项卡从该计划中注册. 在注册主页菜单上可以选择创建计划.

Schedule and Options Tab

该选项卡将显示一个学期注册课程的摘要列表和每周时间表视图. 您可以打印摘要和日程视图,也可以将其作为可下载的日历文件通过电子邮件发送.

Override Request Tab

Once you have completed your override request, to return to Register for Classes, click on the Student tab, Registration, Student Registration Self Service, and then Register for Classes.

Class Schedule and Schedule Details Panel

Schedule Tab

一旦你注册了课程,时间表选项卡就会以一周概览的形式显示课程. You can click on the course title to display the course description, textbook information, restrictions, prerequisites, etc.

Schedule Details Tab

Once you have registered the Schedule Details tab shows the course name, section, CRN, start and end dates, and meeting day, time, and location.

Summary Panel

This panel displays your courses as you make changes to your schedule.  Status和Action列将根据您是否要从您的时间表中添加或删除课程,或者您是否遇到任何注册错误而更改.

要将一个类添加到您的时间表中,请单击最右侧的add按钮.  该课程现在将显示在右下方的Summary面板中,状态为Pending. 在点击右下角的“提交”之前,您不会注册该课程. After you click submit, the status will change to Registered.  课程也将在屏幕左下方的时间表面板中以绿色突出显示.

要从您的时间表中删除一个课程,请单击该课程的操作字段中的下拉菜单.  If the status is still Pending, select Remove as the action.  If the status is Registered, select the Web Drop Course option.  You must click submit to complete the action.  课程也将从屏幕左下方的时间表面板中删除.

Other Navigation

Registration Errors

如果你试图注册一门课程,但由于时间冲突,你不符合资格, linked course restriction, unmet prerequisites, class standing, major or college restrictions, or permit requirement, 错误将显示在右上角,您将无法将该课程添加到您的时间表中. The course will be highlighted in red in the Class Schedule panel. Summary面板中的状态将显示Errors Preventing Registration, Action字段将显示Remove. 您需要单击Submit以从Summary面板中删除课程.

Returning to Other myBanner Menus

Course registration is part of a newer version of myBanner.  在更新可用之前,myBanner的部分内容将保留在早期版本中.  To return to the menus in the earlier version of myBanner, 点击左上角的菜单图标到大峡谷标志的左边.  Click Banner, then Student, then Student Records, then View Holds.

Signing Out

Once you have finished making changes to your schedule, 点击右上角你名字左边的人图标,然后点击退出,确保结束你的myBanner会话.

Page last modified February 15, 2022