
Why do teachers stay? CECI programs show success in retention for early-career teachers

巴特克里克教师指导计划是与 district, W.K. Kellogg Foundation

德万·华盛顿清楚地记得他的第一天 a teacher assistant. It was the start of the school year during the Zoom上出现了新冠疫情和13张幼儿园小面孔 squares on his computer.

"On that first day, my cooperating teacher's 网络断了,所以我不得不独自开始一天的工作。” said Washington, a 2021 Grand Valley graduate. "I was not ready 但事实证明这是一次很棒的经历."

Washington, who now teaches fifth grade at Fremont 巴特克里克的国际学院,可能得单飞了 但从那以后,他的教学生涯一直得到支持. As a first-year teacher, he participated in the Early Career Teacher Mentoring program (ECT) through GVSU's College of Education and Community Innovation. Washington continues to receive guidance in the 专业学习社区(PLC),一个为第二和 third-year teachers.

德万·华盛顿,弗里蒙特国际学院五年级老师 in Battle Creek, works with a student. The 2021 GVSU graduate 参加早期职业教师指导项目,该项目由美国教育协会赞助 College of Education and Community Innovation.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts

The two mentorship programs are among the tactics supported by the partnership among Grand Valley, Battle Creek Public Schools (BCPS) and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation to positively impact education in that region. Established in 2019, the programs aim to increase teacher retention in BCPS. Nationally, nearly 40 percent of teachers leave within their first five years. 

Since the programs started, 97 BCPS teachers have participated. 访问教育学院的莎拉·考克斯(Sarah Cox)担任 她说,这些项目正在发挥作用 从2019年到2024年,该项目教师的保留率为85%.

BCPS教师的保留率正在上升,考克斯 她说,因为她和其他导师提供个性化的支持 和学员们坦诚地谈论他们的课堂和生活 as teachers.

"When you are a teacher intern, you understand the 教学的基础,但这只是成为一个 classroom teacher," Cox said. "They have to acknowledge 他们会充分参与学生的生活. But 然后他们深呼吸,看看教室环境,然后 ask, 'What does that mean?'"

左图,萨拉·考克斯在课堂上向一名学生做手势. 他们身后的墙上钉着GVSU湖人队的旗帜.
访问教育学院的莎拉·考克斯教授双博天堂官方课程 course at Battle Creek Central High School. Cox also serves as a mentor for the Early Career Teacher program.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts
Devan Washington began teaching during the pandemic. He said 更确切地说,参加导师项目帮助他茁壮成长 than only survive in the classroom.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts

对华盛顿来说,作为一名第一年的教师参加 在电痉挛疗法项目中,意味着在课堂上茁壮成长,而不是 surviving. 退休教师凯瑟琳·史蒂文斯是华盛顿的导师 现在是巴特克里克其他老师的导师. 华盛顿说史蒂文斯帮他制作了公告栏 包,协助课程计划-“我需要什么, really" — and monitored how he managed a classroom.

"Cathy noted I called all my students 'friends,' 就像在说,‘好吧,朋友们,让我们一起回来吧,’”他说. “它创造了一种奇怪的小动态,而我们却没有 老师和学生,我们是朋友,这就是我的课堂 management a bit more difficult. 

"As soon as I stopped myself from saying 'friends,' there was a big change."

Stevens, who retired from East Kentwood High School 在从事了30年的教学工作后,他曾三次前往巴特克里克 a week to meet with her mentees. The ECT program calls for 18 年内的个别会议加上同业小组会议. 项目学员还学习研究生教育课程“领导” and Managing in a K-12 Classroom."

"I let them know that I'm here for them, I'm here 帮助他们解决问题,并为与他们的关系做好准备 管理人员,他们的学生和同龄人,”史蒂文斯说. “我在那里是为了给他们成功所需的信心 to be a resource for them."

2021年毕业于GVSU的雷克萨斯·巴克斯代尔(Lexus Baxendale)在巴特克里克教授生物学 Central High School.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts

Lexus Baxendale, also a 2021 GVSU graduate, teaches 巴特尔克里克中心高中的生物学教授,并担任 school's science department chair. Like Washington, Baxendale is in 她的第三年教学和已经参加了三年 mentor programs. She said each year the program content has a different focus and builds on the previous year.

"This year, we've been talking a lot about being a 如何做出改变并实施,”Baxendale说 said. “我们在过去进行的讨论的基础上继续努力 用两年的时间讨论我们如何做出重大改变."

Lexus Baxendale
雷克萨斯·巴克斯代尔(Lexus Baxendale)参加了为期三年的指导计划 and now serves as BCCHS's science chair.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts

Baxendale说,PLC会议对讨论很有帮助 与同事共同解决问题并找到解决方案 rest of the teaching staff. 

作为一名导师和PLC的领导者,考克斯说她的部分工作是 帮助学员“保持教学的乐趣和记忆” why they went into this field." She added the research on these 独特的项目造成了全国对话的差距 about why teachers are leaving the profession. 

"Collectively, we don't talk about what makes teachers stay. We need to listen to their answers. By examining the 我们的生活经历,我们正在填补空白 文学和解释为什么我们能帮助一个地区留住 its teachers," Cox said.

GVSU学生Yasmin Alemayehu正在完成她的ESL小学课程 在巴特克里克的谷景小学实习. Alemayehu is pictured assisting Halimah at her desk.
Image credit - Amanda Pitts



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